Why doing business in the Bahamas? Well its simple. If you ever tried to open a business, run a business or start a business from scratch you would have felt the discouraging feelings many other starts ups have doing business in the Bahamas
There is just too much complaints about getting things done in the Bahamas. I want to know how difficult it really is and talk to other entrepreneurs and business owners on how difficult it is to actual start and run a business in the Bahamas
The Start up
Starting a business is the hardest thing many persons will ever do in their life. Getting things in order to start you business is tough enough, but how difficult is it to become legal?
What does it take to start a business in the Bahamas? Which type of business is best? Retail, Wholesale, Product design, Services? Which is best or do they all have their own problems? Lets find out together.
Day to Day
How easy is it for you to run your business day to day. I’ve heard of persons being harassed by the government and when I say the government a particular branch of government who job it really is to check up on businesses but they tend to come down on some businesses harder than others in the same industry. Could this be strong arming or favors from competitors?
Money Matters
I want to talk about managing you money as a business. How do Bahamians manage business money? How many have the right idea or how many have the wrong idea of how it works. Should you integrate your business money into your personal money when starting out or is it best to just pay the cost upfront to get a business account?
You are the chief cook and bottle washer in your business
Robert Kiosaki
Without you, your business will not exist. The thing about small business is that they depend on the person who started it. Without them the business would not exist. This can be a problem because you then build a business that cannot exist if you step away. We will discuss ways to change this issue in the Bahamas and help Bahamians build generational Wealth.
The more we talk about issues about doing business in the Bahamas the more we all learn from each other and help our economy grow quicker faster and better than where it is at this time.
Remember if you have a question or a person who you know is out there doing their thing with their own business please send us an email or leave a comment of their name and contact number so we can sit and discuss doing business in the Bahamas.